Norwegian Ethnological Research (NEG)

"Høysvolk, vålskier og finnsla". Drawing from Olaf Lindtorp 1947. Answer to NEG 2 Transport av høy.

The tradition archive Norwegian Ethnological Research was established in 1946 to collect, manage, disseminate and research accounts of the history of everyday life.

From its inception until 2016, the archive documented cultural history by sending out questionnaires that were answered by a nationwide network of private individuals interested in local traditions and history. In addition, many people sent in important documentation to the archive beside the topics that were asked for. These accounts have been safeguarded of in the archive series NEG Varia.

The earliest NEG surveys were largely about collective traditions linked to material culture. Gradually, the questions focused more on contemporary issues, from youth culture to eating habits. NEG's questionnaire responses were inscribed in Norway's documentary heritage (UNESCO) in 2014.

To gain access to questionnaire responses that are less than 60 years old, you must first enter into an ethical use agreement. A secure login solution will be established in SAMLA, but for the time being, inquiries about more recent questionnaire responses should be sent by email to:

The website of the Norwegian Ethnological Research